Body Code Healing with a

Body Code Practitioner

Body Code Healing with a

Body Code Practitioner

Are you struggling with a health issue, have emotional or physical distress?

Are you...


Feeling Stuck


Feeling Disconnected

Having Sleepless Nights

Having Relationship issues

Experiencing Money blocks

Experiencing Self-Sabotage

My areas of focus include dispelling fears, identifying allergies, eliminating trapped emotional energy and heart walls, reprogramming your subconscious beliefs, assisting you in breaking free from damaging relationship patterns, and addressing any concerns affecting you or your child at the core.

I help individuals break generational curses that cause plaguing dis-ease and emotional instability, sadness, and anxiousness within the body. I also provide relief and comfort by reactivating pathways that were traumatized, aged or injured.

Are you struggling with a health issue, have emotional or physical distress?

Are you...


Feeling Stuck


Feeling Disconnected

Having Sleepless Nights

Having Relationship issues

Experiencing Money blocks

Experiencing Self-Sabotage

My areas of focus include dispelling fears, identifying allergies, eliminating trapped emotional energy and heart walls, reprogramming your subconscious beliefs, assisting you in breaking free from damaging relationship patterns, and addressing any concerns affecting you or your child at the core.

I help individuals break generational curses that cause plaguing dis-ease and emotional instability, sadness, and anxiousness within the body. I also provide relief and comfort by reactivating pathways that were traumatized, aged or injured.

Time to Take Care of You

Dana Tescher


We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.

"The Emotion Code has already changed many lives

around the world, and it is my hope that millions more will be led to use this simple tool to heal." - Tony Robbins

Time to Take Care of You

Dana Tescher


We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.

"The Emotion Code has already changed many lives

around the world, and it is my hope that millions more will be led to use this simple tool to heal." - Tony Robbins

Wouldn’t you love to:

Cure your in-explainable pain or fatigue?

Rid yourself of excess weight caused by anxiety or depression?

Get to the root of your physical or emotional issues?

Discover the reason for your allergies, headaches, insomnia or any other physical or emotional issue that keeps you from really enjoying life?

It's Your Turn for


While it's common to prioritize others, we often forget to nurture our own well-being in the process. Allow me to guide you towards a more compassionate and softer approach to taking care of yourself, the person who matters the most.

Imagine being able to:

Alleviate unexplained pain or exhaustion?

Shed extra pounds related to stress or mental health struggles?

Uncover the underlying causes of your physical or emotional challenges?

Find out what's really behind your allergies, headaches, sleep issues, or any other ailment that holds you back from truly savoring life?

Improve Your Relationships with Others

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.

A heart wall might protect you from feeling hurt but it will also prevent you from feeling or expressing love in its most authentic way, which can hold you back from experiencing true closeness in your relationships.

I can’t begin to count the number of times that I’ve cleared a client’s heart wall just for them to call me within days or weeks to thank me for the breakthrough it’s created in their relationships.

Emotional healing

means being your best self, alone and with others, and cultivating deep and lasting friendships and relationships.

Ready to end the cycle of toxic relationships and create healthy ones?

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Relationships

Ever feel like an invisible barrier is keeping you from connecting deeply with others? In the Emotion Code/Body Code, we identify this as a 'heart wall,' a protective layer your body builds to shield you from emotional pain. While it may guard you against hurt, it also isolates you from giving and receiving genuine love—hindering your capacity for true intimacy.

Picture this:

Imagine experiencing love without holding back, embracing relationships with an open heart.

Envision the sheer joy and connection you'll feel in relationships free of emotional walls.

Think about the peace of letting go of past emotional baggage, freeing you to engage in meaningful and fulfilling partnerships.

Visualize calling your best friend or loved one, ecstatically sharing how your relationships have been positively transformed almost overnight.

I've lost track of how many clients have reached out within days of clearing their heart walls, thrilled about the breakthroughs they've experienced in their relationships.

Isn't it time to swap out those toxic cycles for healthy, fulfilling relationships? Are you ready to unlock emotional freedom and truly be your best self—in solitude and in companionship?

Understand Your Child Better

& Help Her Heal

Something’s bothering your child, but you just don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s a tummy ache, or a headache, or maybe it’s anger or an emotional distance that you can’t explain. Or maybe he’s being bullied at school.

Understand Your Child Better

& Help Her Heal

Something’s bothering your child, but you just don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s a tummy ache, or a headache, or maybe it’s anger or an emotional distance that you can’t explain. Or maybe he’s being bullied at school.

Enter Body Code - the most powerful diagnostic tool - and we get to explore into your child’s subconscious mind to understand the root source of their pain.

I’ve had many clients who have had me work directly with their child (ages 8 and up) and I’ve helped them to release emotional build up and trapped emotions.

Just to name a few things I’ve helped younger clients with: trapped emotions & emotional trauma from being bullied at school, being overweight, divorce or separation in the family, nightmares or night terrors, dealing with family members (a parent or sibling) who is emotionally unstable or has a mental illness, living through war, family illness and/or a pandemic.

Unlock Your Child's Emotional Well-Being and Transform Their Life

Are you a parent baffled by your child's mysterious behavior or symptoms?

Whether it's unexplained tummy aches, emotional withdrawal, or distressing issues like bullying, you're not alone in your struggle to find answers.

Imagine the peace of knowing exactly what's troubling your child, right down to its root cause. Visualize the relief on their face as they finally find freedom from the emotional burdens they've been carrying—perhaps burdens as serious as the impacts of divorce, familial mental illness, or other deeply unsettling experiences.

With Body Code, we dig deep into your child's subconscious mind to unravel the complexities of their emotional or physical pain. Here's what you stand to gain:

A laser-focused understanding of your child's emotional or physical struggles, so you can be the supportive parent they need.

The end of random guesswork and the beginning of targeted solutions, tailored to your child's specific needs.

The empowerment to help your child overcome night terrors, deal with the stress of unstable family situations, or even navigate the emotional toll of living through a pandemic.

I've worked with numerous young clients, age 8 and up, helping them shed trapped emotions and emotional traumas—from school bullying to family discord and beyond. Imagine your child, lighter and happier, because you took the step to understand and help them heal at a core level. Isn't it time to unlock this life-changing insight?

Wouldn’t You Love To Get a Window into Your Subconscious?

With Body Code, we dig deep into your child's subconscious mind to unravel the complexities of their emotional or physical pain. Here's what you stand to gain:

A laser-focused understanding of your child's emotional or physical struggles, so you can be the supportive parent they need.

The end of random guesswork and the beginning of targeted solutions, tailored to your child's specific needs.

The empowerment to help your child overcome night terrors, deal with the stress of unstable family situations, or even navigate the emotional toll of living through a pandemic.

I've worked with numerous young clients, age 8 and up, helping them shed trapped emotions and emotional traumas—from school bullying to family discord and beyond. Imagine your child, lighter and happier, because you took the step to understand and help them heal at a core level. Isn't it time to unlock this life-changing insight?

Wouldn’t You Love To Get a Window into Your Subconscious?

Transform Your Life by Unlocking the Secrets of Your Subconscious Mind

How would you feel if you could dive deep into the hidden recesses of your mind and emerge with insights that could reshape your life? It's not science fiction; it's your opportunity to make a real, lasting change.

Transform Your Life by Unlocking the Secrets of Your Subconscious Mind

How would you feel if you could dive deep into the hidden recesses of your mind and emerge with insights that could reshape your life? It's not science fiction; it's your opportunity to make a real, lasting change.

Are you finally ready to:

Understand why you act or react the way you do?

Uncover the true source of your fears, frustrations, or anxieties?

Get to the root of persistent challenges, whether they're emotional or physical?

Don't settle for surface-level solutions when you can go deep and pinpoint the core issues that have been holding you back.

Your subconscious holds the answers you've been seeking; are you ready to listen? Take that vital step NOW toward understanding yourself on a level most only dream of.

Are you finally ready to:

Understand why you act or react the way you do?

Uncover the true source of your fears, frustrations, or anxieties?

Get to the root of persistent challenges, whether they're emotional or physical?

Don't settle for surface-level solutions when you can go deep and pinpoint the core issues that have been holding you back.

Your subconscious holds the answers you've been seeking; are you ready to listen? Take that vital step NOW toward understanding yourself on a level most only dream of.

What is the Body Code And How Does it Work?

The Body Code works by tapping into your subconscious mind to help us understand where your issues are rooted.

Think of the subconscious mind like an iceberg. We really only see about 10% of an iceberg above the water, but underneath the other 90% lies, which makes up the majority of the iceberg’s mass.

Your subconscious mind is that other 90%—Getting to the root of your problems and clearing any blocks has everything to do with connecting to your subconscious mind – because it has the answers to everything you need to know about yourself.

Think of The Body Code as a natural diagnostic tool that instantly tells us what’s going on underneath the surface.

Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Subconscious with The Body Code

Ever wondered why certain challenges in your life feel impossible to overcome, no matter what you do? The answer might lie deep within your subconscious mind—a realm that holds 90% of your true emotional and physical makeup, much like an iceberg hidden beneath the surface of the water.

Discover the Body Code: Your Personalized Gateway to Deep-Rooted Healing

Imagine having a diagnostic tool that doesn't just skim the surface but dives deep to identify the root cause of your emotional or physical pain. That's The Body Code for you—a revolutionary approach that taps directly into your subconscious, the storehouse of all your memories, traumas, and emotional baggage.

Why It’s Game-Changing?

It's simple: You can't fix what you don't know. The Body Code provides instant access to the underlying issues that have been silently affecting your life, be it your health, relationships, or emotional well-being. By unlocking these hidden aspects, you're not just treating symptoms; you're eliminating the cause.

What’s In It For You?

Break free from repetitive, limiting patterns that have held you back.

Resolve emotional or physical pain at its source, not just mask it.

Discover deeper self-awareness, providing you with the clarity to make better life choices.

Stop guessing and start knowing. Isn’t it time you understood the other 90% of YOU?

Ready for Real Transformation? Dive into the Depths of Your Subconscious Now.

What is the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is a section within the Body Code that specifically focuses on clearing trapped emotions. An emotion is an energy and oftentimes when we have very strong emotions, they can become trapped as a ball of energy somewhere in your body: a trapped emotion.

Trapped emotions can cause physical pain, bring illness, create a weakness or prevent you from getting past an emotional trauma. In order to remove a trapped emotion we first use muscle testing identify which emotion is trapped, where it stems from and all the details surrounding the emotion. Then, we take a magnet and remove the trapped emotion.

Using the Emotion Code is all part of your your Body Code session!

Discover the Healing Power of the Emotion Code: Your Gateway to Emotional Freedom

Understanding the Emotion Code

Life can throw curveballs, and emotions are part and parcel of the human experience. Sometimes though, these emotions don't just pass through us—they get stuck. Imagine a potent emotion, maybe grief or anger, lodged in your body like a knot of energy, wreaking havoc on your wellbeing without you even realizing it. This is what we refer to as a "trapped emotion," and it can be the unseen culprit behind physical pain, illnesses, emotional distress, and even longstanding trauma.

How Does It Work?

Life can throw curveballs, and emotions are part and parcel of the human experience. Sometimes though, these emotions don't just pass through us—they get stuck. Imagine a potent emotion, mayuma.

What Can the Emotion Code Do for You?

Ease Physical Pain: Free yourself from unexplained aches and soreness that no medical test can resolve.

Heal from Within: Address the emotional root of recurring illnesses and create a stronger, healthier you.

Unlock Emotional Wellness: Clear the emotional fog that holds you back, helping you move forward in life with renewed clarity and purpose.

Your Emotion Code Journey Is a Part of Your Body Code Session

That's right! When you book a Body Code session, you're also gaining access to the incredible benefits of the Emotion Code. It's like a two-in-one offer for holistic healing.

Compassionately Yours

You don't have to walk this path alone, and you certainly don't have to carry the weight of trapped emotions for the rest of your life. It's time to unburden yourself.

Are You Ready to Experience the Transformative Power of Emotional Release? Book Your Session Now and Take the First Step Toward a Lighter, Healthier You.

How Does it Work?

As a Body Code Practitioner, I will connect with your energy remotely (or with your child’s, with your permission) and use The Emotion Code chart to uncover whatever your subconscious mind wants to tell us, thereby uncovering the root to any issues you may have and clearing any trapped emotions.

We’ll then clear any trapped emotions or work on anything else that comes up in our session to help you feel rejuvenated and fresh again!



Distance (Emailed Report)

Appointments are held remotely via Zoom or phone, making it convenient wherever you live.

Certified Body Code Practitioner

Get the expertise of a trained and certified Body Code Practitioner, with 20 years experience in massage therapy and natural healing.

Call 1+701-314-1303


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